Thursday, September 4, 2008

The damsel in the ivory tower......

As with any normal being, my life is not devoid of the amazing bond shared with that single special person which, more simply put, is commonly referred to as "love". But there the similarity to the average ends. For my current situation is very different to that of the average person. This is because of the many misconceptions surrounding the term "love"!

But before i delve into the deep and murky waters of explanation, let me (as is soon becoming second nature to me) explain my metaphor of choice. Well, as I'm sure you all know, the most common story the Dragon tells is that of the protector of the damsel in the tall tower. The reason my damsel lives in an ivory tower is that the "ivory tower" is our illustration of the unrealistic take on reality; something of what seems to be an impossibility, as it were. So the damsel is in the ivory tower because she did, in fact seem an impossibility- I would even have gone so far as to call her a myth before i met her!

So going back to the Dragons role in the story. The usual scenario is that the damsel is guarded by the poor creature, who is depicted as the monstrous beast, the final barrier necessarily overcome by the "Prince charming" , whose arrival the damsel longingly awaits. But never for a moment does anyone stop to think that maybe it is the Dragon who, in fact cares most for this damsel it so closely guards. And in repayment, what be its plight? A slit in its throat or a stab in the heart by the Prince who damsel is awaiting!! In one way, it wouldn't be wrong to say that under the circumstances, the Dragon could not hope for a better ending. For after the arrival of the Prince, there is nothing more for the Dragon; it has done its part, played its role to perfection, and has nothing to look forward to except the agony of unexpressed love, never to be returned in kind. Gladly, however, this is where the story of this Dragon is far cry from the average. For this Dragon has indeed found its damsel in the ivory tower, who amazingly is capable of understanding the reasons for its actions, and would gladly climb its thorny back to soar on the winds of time, away from all the so called "Princes" who only promise a life of misery after all the initial pomp and pageantry. This Dragon's damsel understands that it has only her best interests at heart, and appreciates it for what it is. This is why the story of this Dragon is swiftly taking a very different path, to a very different ending.

And all this, this Dragon will readily attribute to it's damsel. For it is this amazing lady who gives meaning to its life. It is her that is the wind the Dragon was looking for; the reason it soars so high. And so much more , that it would galdly die than even attempt to put down in words what she means to it.

On that note let me leave the promised dive into "murky waters" for another day. For to do so now would be to take away the emphasis on the actual reason for this post; who indeed deserves so much more than this measly attempt at an explanation. But let no mistake be made about just how much this Dragons damsel means to it!!