Friday, August 29, 2014

You talk to God? Well, I talk to the universe....

I do. I really do. I in actual fact look up and complain to the universe about the seemingly absurd bad luck I am often faced with. There are times when I look up and say "Really? You're doing this to me? NOW?". So I can completely understand the need to put a face, and a name, and create some form of image to this external force which maintains the balance in the system we are all a part of. So arguably, I am speaking to what some of you refer to as "God". It seems like the same thing, and in a certain sense it is. I am also venting my frustrations and looking for solace outside the realm of reality I perceive.

There is a difference though. I know that the system will not listen. I am completely aware that the things that are happening have a complex relationship to phenomena which I may or may not see, and am possibly unable to grasp at this moment. I am aware that this is not based entirely on my actions, that the current situation is what it needs to be to maintain the balance and equilibrium of the system and is not open to suggestion. I feel that keeps me firmly planted in reality, and it also does not allow me to blindly (and futilely) rely on this non-existent possibility of direct influence. However, it does remind me why so many need their "God" or "Gods". I can appreciate that it is neither as important, nor as practical as it is for me, to constantly be aware of my mammoth perception. I also in no way judge such persons, except when they attempt to assimilate in me what is actually THEIR need for such a belief.

So to conclude, I am in no way saying that I have an ethical, moral or logical issue with those of you who talk to God. In fact I can relate for reasons stated above. I do however take issue the moment you start to not accord me the same curtsy. I will also admit to an automatic reaction of cringing every time God is referred to in what I can only refer to as a personified form. I will however keep this to myself, because I realise that this is my own opinion. And yes, that was a very pointed hint.

Finally, you have your beliefs, and I can respect that. I do however humbly ask that you accord me the same curtsy.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The "love haze"... Yay or nay?

So as a little background/explanation, this is a term which was used by Stana Katic (as Kate Beckett in Castle) in explaining that phase in which someone who is in love with another initially is completely devoid of logical sense. Its referred to by many names (my favourite being "rose coloured glasses") but if you have been in love at any point, you know what I'm talking about. Its that bubble we get into where we just don't see things clearly- at all! I know I've been there. I have made....questionable....choices, completely missed and sometimes even blatantly ignored details that actually were of very high importance, personally. It probably has something to do with chemistry, and the chemicals which are released when we are in love (which, incidentally, if distilled would possibly form a very potent weapon for debilitating an enemy's thinking capacity! *wink* ) but the fact is- we are just idiots when it comes to that person initially. Though I say "initially", it can last QUITE a long time.....possibly, even years!

Through experience though, if you are aware of this, you can actually curtail the effects of this phase. So here's my question; how necessary is this phase for a successful relationship? Now I know that the first thought that will cross your mind is that it is DEFINITELY not necessary. But hear me out. Given how everyone is looking for what they want, and what works for them, and given how in order for a relationship to work (unless you are really lucky), there needs to be compromise, what is it that actually drives us to take the plunge if not the haze? So, my argument is that maybe the love haze is necessary to make us actually consider a relationship and not just give up the second that things aren't quite what you expected/wanted. Because if there wasn't something scarring our logic, how would most of us ever compromise?

Of course, there is a downside. The haze (as I shall refer to it) is possibly the reason most people have a completely warped image and expectation of their partners. It possibly is a leading factor for most divorces, overly short relationships....etc.

At the same time though, I feel that it is still necessary. I don't think a relationship is based on logic or rationality. I don't think you should approach it with calm, collected thoughts and analysis. I'm not saying you should just jump in the proverbial well, but at the same time some you might need to try to climb up those steps with your eyes closed. It needs to be a decent mix of logic and just blind chemical attraction. If not, its guaranteed to end, prematurely, and likely not in a pleasant way. What are YOUR thoughts on the matter? Would love to hear them!