Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And on to a new chapter.....

This is where i finally come to the quiet decision to depart from the usual (and I'm sure somewhat confusing) style of writing which i tend to lapse into automatically. It's not like this lapse is intentional per say; which means that it will be necessary for me to make a conscious effort in favour of keeping it simple (at least by my highly biased standards!!). So i would implore you to be so kind as to forgive the occasional lapse.

So here goes;

For the first time in my life (and possibly one of the rarest of occasions) I have NO idea what this post is about. So if there is a heading to this post, it most probably will be a reflection of the essence of the post in its entirety. Hence the reason the connection isn't apparent as yet.

Well, lets see.... I guess the most significant change in my life is, as should be apparent from my previous posts, my ray of sunshine!! Because that is truly what she is to me!! Even though there IS the occasional chill that is shot my way, it still cannot dampen the warmth identical (if not markedly more intense) to that which one gets when a ray of sunlight falls on his face!! Oh, the wonders of Love!!

Let me, however, make one thing clear at this early stage. I was not BORN like this. In fact to be this way would be going against the very grain of my temperament. I was probably the most ardent believer in the fact that there was no such thing as true love. It was more about the practical compatibility of two people, rather than the colloquial butterflies and flowers which one is led to believe is what Love truly is. This is where the irony which i have come to associate with life in its purest form comes into play. It is somewhat amusing, to say the least, how in hindsight life has a way of kicking one in the shins by way of a reality check; simply put, how life loves to bite one in the rear!! I'm sure we can all relate to that on some level or another. It appears prudent to call them "Life's little reality checks"!! Not that i would complain about this particular one though!!

Which brings me to my next realisation. I have just arrived at the conclusion that NOTHING in life comes for free; and by that i mean that where there is an up,there is always a down. For an example,you can have the perfect relationship, but the mere fact that its perfect will mean that you will end up missing this special someone whenever you cant be with them. The irony is that it is ENTIRELY because the relationship is perfect, while that is the very reason you would hold on and never let it go!! Which is, undoubtedly, among the most inescapable catch 22 situations!! But i guess it what adds the spice to life. And i must say, i would rather be here, in this situation than any other!!

Life on a general basis is good!! I'm in love with this wonderful person who i miss so often, I'm becoming the cliche of the century;I'm working at a top firm, which is a window of opportunity; I'm FINALLY getting the long awaited guitar (and by long awaited, im talking 5 years long!!!); Money isn't as scarce as i would have expected ;-). So on the whole, I cant complain. I'm quite satisfied and happy with the whole situation!!


fucktard said...


fucktard said...

btw , I changed my blog link! :D yes, again! :D :D