Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yet another "New" year..........

Let me start off by wishing whoever it is that seems to be reading my blog a Happy New Year!! And to whoever else who reads this as well.....

This year, I would say, seems to be one of the most interesting years I've stepped into. The end of last year (meaning the final week) was quite a happy (albeit stressful) end to a year of turmoil, coupled with understanding, new directions, and many changes. I've come to accept many inevitabilities which I strove to ignore about myself.. I think I've highlighted the most of those in previous posts, so I shall usher in the year with observations of it, rather than those of its predecessor.

I must say, the year dawned in grand style for me. I was surrounded by people I love and care about, although two in particular were dearly missed. Still, I couldn't have asked for more, and a will dearly miss all those who made it a memorable New Year's Eve!!

None-the-less, I must say, this year comes across to me as...nothing in particular. Its so strange, going in with my mentality. Strangely I have no hopes, no aspirations, no plans... This year is just about doing what I am supposed to do, for no other reason than that I should. So for the first time ever, the "new" year is very much like part of the old.. Life goes on, we have our responsibilities (great or small) and the endless and grueling cycle continues. Its strange, to be so detached, but there it is.. No sadness, or happiness, or expectation.. Just things as they are... The answer or solution to the one question/ doubt/ issue that I'm facing, seems to be rearing its head in the most unexpected and odd manner, so I shall see how that goes. Apart from that, well, things are the same.. Just neutral.... Or maybe its just the way I've begun to see things.........


Princess Pop It - Room 1456 said...

May I just say - 'I here ye!!! I here ye!!! ;D

Dragonsye said...

:) Just saw this!! (Who knew one must subscribe to one's OWN post to be notified of comments?? I mean, how smart is that??:S)

PS- Notice thee were mentioned in the 3rd para!!;)