Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hanging on by a thread......

The subject line is, perhaps, the only line worth reading; I hang on to this pointless, meaningless existence by a single fraying thread. Its funny though, how one seemingly inconspicuous strand can have the strength to hold strong against the never-ending pull towards the abyss. There are times I wonder how such a thing is possible- as if life enjoys playing it's colossal jokes on me, always providing JUST enough to know I will still be bound to it's relentless onslaught into an indefinite future.

Life in modern times has lost the "f", hence becoming a "lie" instead... It is filled with so many meaningless actions, pointless principles, unnecessary interactions; if I were to look at my day-to-day existence, there are so few things I do which are of true meaning. What begs to be asked is "why?". Why must one engage in the meaningless interactions, actions and circumstances when clearly neglecting what is really important?? Why must we be so bogged down in the never-ending deceptions, mind-games and lies with which we are forced to waste precious hours, just so we may steal a few precious moments with the people that truly matter?? When did human existence become so filled with meaningless, and more importantly when did all the meaninglessness become a prerequisite for the increasingly illusive moments of true meaning?? Is it not the ultimate irony, that we are given to the idiosyncrasies which make such futility the condition which need be fulfilled, in order to have time for anything meaningful??

Which leads to the bottom line, which defines humans in the modern day and age- we are currently a species unable to see clearly. It is a fascinating, yet profoundly sad realisation that one must come to- the fact that it is our "superior intellect" which is supposed to "encompass all other beings" which fogs our vision to the extent that we lose sight of what is important, instead being satisfied to unquestioningly accept the norms and ideologies that have been thrust upon us as being "real".

A case in point to this undeniable conundrum is the supreme fallacy which is the concept of "Religion". If one were to question the origins of religion, it would undoubtedly be the promotion of "harmony" and "civility" among us, the "intellectually supreme" of this planet. Therefore, if it had been true to its purpose, religion today would be the means for world peace, rather then the cause for war which it has unfortunately become. It is such a sad predicament we face, where people argue on whose definition of the truth is more accurate; or worse yet, whose definition IS the truth, thereby effectively falsifying any other definition of the truth - which, as has been pointed out previously, makes it the unfortunate CAUSE of war, rather than the peacekeeper that it was envisioned to be.  The corruption and greed that is intrinsic to the intelligence which our species has been cursed with, has effectively deformed the teachings of those few enlightened ones, to the point that they have become all but completely unrecognizable as compared to their origins. As such, what we are left with is competing, supposedly universal "truths", rather than symbiotic definitions of THE one truth which are able to harmonically co-exist within the diverse sphere of humanity, catering to the many and varied intellects and circumstances.

For one truth indeed there be, which none of the religions or philosophies have accurately and completely encapsulated. This inadequacy is, however, to be expected- what is unfortunate is the magnified significance that these concepts have been given, in order to facilitate advantages to the few at the expense of the many; and, to put the metaphorical "icing on the cake", the famous phrase used when exploiting these advantages is "for the he greater good". Is it not fascinating, the myths we allow ourselves to be deluded by??

But then, I have been (and unfortunately always will be) the idealist- or mayhap idealist is not the accurate term (something akin to "euphamist" being more accurate)? Maybe life would have more meaning if we were not forced to be overly concerned about all the things that truly mean nothing in the greater scheme of things?? Be that as it may, what IS, is far from what it should be.. Or maybe I have yet again allowed  my definitions to blur my vision??

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