Monday, May 19, 2014

I believe....

So, I felt it time that I try articulating what I believe. I have developed a certain idea of what I feel is reality. It is based on observations I have made, and comparative analysis with structured religions (which, obviously, is my personal opinion). So lets see how well I manage.

I believe that there is, and can only be, one truth. I feel that all religions and philosophies are merely an interpretation of that one truth. I believe this, because I have managed to draw analogies between all major religions and philosophies I have been exposed to. Granted this is limited, but I am fairly certain that I can do the same with any others I encounter, given that I have time to first grasp the concept of said new philosophy/religion. I also feel that Buddhism, rather the core concepts of Buddhism, are the closest to that truth as can be found among those widely accepted. I believe this because it seems the least worried with explanation of why, focusing more on "what is". I feel the best approach to life is to observe, and try to understand based on those observations. I also believe that there are different levels to how much we understand based on our idiosyncrasies, personal experience and perceptiveness (among other things). The more a person is able to perceive and process such perception, the more they are able to understand. I also believe that finally, true peace within oneself can only be had by oneself, and that it is inherently a completely solitary and personal journey. That is not to say a person does not need other people, nor that people should never have an influence. It is rather to say that whatever circumstance we are in, it is finally up to each person to make the effort to understand what interpretation of reality works best for them. I believe the less one is willing to take on the challenge of doing so, choosing to believe based on what others have taught and essentially being lazy, the more said person is likely to be further from inner peace and true understanding.

So now let me make an attempt at explaining my philosophy. To clarify, this is not meant to be something new or inventive, and it borrows from many others. It is merely my personal interpretation and belief, which I feel essentially has transcended current structures; not because it is more developed, rather because I feel it cannot be adequately narrowed down to ONE of the particular structures completely (although Buddhist philosophies come pretty close). Here goes......

I believe that everything is connected, and that all we see and perceive is interconnected with much we don't. I believe there are things we don't perceive, mainly because we are limited in our ability to perceive due in part to a lack of sensory capabilities, intelligence, and also how much we allow external factors to influence our perception. I feel that everything is one structure, and that the driving force of this structure is that it always seeks to find balance. The scale of this structure I believe exists is vast, and perhaps beyond the scope of human intelligence; but perhaps it is not. I believe that thought has value and substance, and that it is more powerful than we understand- I feel that thoughts can influence, even without it being converted to action by the thinker. I believe that the mind is more powerful than most people understand. I believe that most humans are blind, floundering around in their ignorance born mostly out of their laziness to take the trouble to understand, which leads to self involvement and selfishness.

I believe that a person is powerful, the degree depending on how much they understand themselves and what they perceive. I believe we, each one of us, is capable of making our lives into what we want, provided that we can understand ourselves and our circumstances to the level that we can be comfortable with them and start to see the greater picture. I do believe though, that each person has a path which is somewhat predetermined, based on their evolutionary state. To explain this further, I believe that we each have an essence, which (for brevity) I shall refer to as the soul. I believe this soul is, from the moment it sprang into existence, on an evolutionary journey to permutation, into another...soul perhaps? (That is one current limit I have place on my scope of belief). During this journey, I believe that the soul is continuously transmuting into different existences and physical manifestations. I believe that this life I now lead is just one such, in that cycle. I also believe that everything is a cycle, which goes on throughout the ages. Always connected to everything, one large structure, perhaps without end. I also believe that our evolutionary state decides the depth of which we need understand this structure, and once each soul finally understand its true reality completely, its journey ends.

I also believe there is much we FEEL we understand, but do not; because, some of our understanding is mechanical and not organic, therefore not TRUE understanding. If you have got this far down this post, I will also now add a couple of fictional references which have had a profound impact on me, on differing levels. The movies "Cloud Atlas", "The Matrix", and the fantasy-fiction series of novels by Robert Jordan (and later Brandon Sanderson) called "The Wheel of Time". Cloud Atlas gives one an idea of the vastness and cyclic nature of human existence in the grand scheme. The Matrix questions ones perception of reality (both being the work of the Wachowskis). The Wheel of Time is a fantasy take on the interconnectedness and unbiased nature of the structure within which we exist, and how our actions while having consequences, will always be essentially based on what must be in order to maintain balance. If this sounds interesting, and you haven't, I'd suggest you at least watch the movies and MAYBE consider reading the series.

Finally, I believe that for the first time since I reached maturity physically and mentally, I am at peace with myself and the perception of my reality. It took me a long time to come to terms with it, around half a decade, and part of that (towards the end) was darkened by depression. I am glad to say that I finally feel that I am past that, and I have found a balance, for now. I also plan on maintaining that balance at all costs, and I am prepared to work towards that end. Why do I say this now? Because, the concepts and ideas which preceded that observation are the things I believe helped me reach where I am today. Perhaps, within this post, you will find something which leads to YOUR truth. So till next time....

P.S.- To my new Sri Lankan reader, who seems to visit every so often.... Hello! I hope you enjoy my ramblings, as a few others seem to! ;)

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