Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The (material) things I want in life....

So I decided, lest I forget, to make a list of things (material) which I want (but don't need)... Perhaps it will be interesting to revisit this in a few (or many) years. So here goes (in no particular order);

1. Acrhtop guitar and a solid body (ideally a Les paul, most likely a replica).
2. Bass guitar.
3. Guitar amplifier.
4. Piano.
5. Saxaphone.
6. Long bow/ re-curve bow/ both.
7. A katana.
8. A Longstaff.
9. A decent knife collection (Every-day carry, tactical, hunting...etc).
10. Digital SLR with a 50mm prime lens (or equivalent if full frame), and at least a 18-300mm lens (or a combination of 18-200 and something which goes up to maybe 400mm)
11. a) A Ford mustang (initially wanted a 1967 Shelby GT 250, but since the new line is looking more classic..perhaps latest model?). Note: Highly unlikely, but...oh well, one can dream, yes?
11. b) A Nissan GT-R35 (slightly more likely than the Mustang).
11. c) A BMW M5 E60 (This is the most likely one- Also the ideal car, realistically).
12. A decent liquor cabinet.
13. A workshop with woodwork tools, electronic tools and possibly metal-work tools.
14. A Mac (unless the iPhone loses its confounding popularity, in which case... This will be down to a maybe).
15. A beach-front holiday bungalow.
16. A Nakamichi sound system (or, if there is something which can compare at the time, that.).

Yep, as at right now, I believe that covers it. I shall update if and when the need arises, with indication as to updates. I figure, I'm probably going to have to give the whole "buying my happiness" business a shot, so....perhaps its a good idea to have an outline to work with! *bared-tooth-grin*

So yes, that is, as at now, a list of things I want. Lets see how far I get before I'm....50? So till next time....

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